Our Family
Our Story
We came up with the idea for this game 8 years ago when our children were 4, 6, and 8 years old. They're now 11, 14, and 16 years old and still love playing Flappy Families. Over the years the project has at times been on the backburner as demands of jobs and family took over. Over the last half a year we've been pushing hard to get the game ready. We now have the immense pleasure of being able to share our game with you and making it a reality!

Our time living in the beautiful Waitākere Ranges in West Auckland was a big inspiration for creating this game featuring New Zealand native birds. We were surrounded by enormous Kauri, Rimu, Totara and it was a haven for the many beautiful birds that visited us. Kererū flocked to the Nīkau Palm trees and Tūī sang their melodies. Arataki Visitor Centre up the road was a special place for us to appreciate the vista of mountain, beach in-let, and forest all around.

We now live in Cambridge. Andy is a game designer for Badgers from Mars and Anna is a kindergarten relief teacher.
Spending time together as a family is a big part of our lives, be it camping trips, or staying home playing board games. Or even better - playing board games while on camping trips!

A History Of Regicide
Flappy Families is not Andy's first tabletop game project. In 2020 Andy and two of his friends (Badgers From Mars) made a game together called Regicide, and funded it on Kickstarter.
Regicide ended up receiving critical praise from the likes of Shut Up & Sit Down and sat at the #1 spot on the Board Game Geek "Hotness" charts for 14 days in a row. It's now sold around the world.